The first thing that we must do is to select our country in the low right part of the principal page of the Store of iTunes.
Later, and before continuing with the process, we have to do click in " Free application " to be able to acquire one.
We continue pressing the button to create a new account, it yes insure yourself of reading well the terms and conditions of the above mentioned account.
Continuing with the process, we introduce the email address, create a password and write a question and safety response and the date of your birth.
This process is the same that to create any user's account in Internet. In the option of payment we will have to refill the empty spaces of name and direction.
This process is the same that to create any user's account in Internet. In the option of payment we will have to refill the empty spaces of name and direction.
To finish, We have to press Agree in the option " Check our account ". There tenenos that to verify if an e-mail has come to us of iTunes Store; of being like that, we open the mail and do click in the attached link to activate the account.